Tuesday 5 January 2010

How To Load VST Plugins Into Reaper

Mista Cee asked about adding plugins to Reaper. This may seem like a lot of steps at first. After a few times it will seem very easy.

Using vst and vst intruments in software varies. The main thing to remember is the path where you saved your plugins. I suggest saving all your plugins in the same folder, maybe adding sub-folders for different categories. My plugin folder may have a path like this:
H:\Plugins and VsTi\ Brass\ DSK BRASS
H:\Plugins and VsTi\ Effects\ Free-verb

Next you will have to tell the software where to look. This is usually done under “Options – Preferences”. In the image below I have selected “options then preferences” in Reaper:

Here is where I can set Reaper to look in my plugin folder for different plug ins. I have the option to set each path under “Plugins” to a specific folder:

Now I am ready to use the vsts in Reaper. I insert a new track, then select “FX” to choose the plug- in of my choice:

Once you click on “FX” a new window will open after Reaper scans your plug in folder. Select “Fx” then “ADD”. Now you can go through your plug in folders and select either Dx Vst Instruments etc.:

For this tutorial I will choose one of Reapers included vst instruments,”ReaSynth”:

To use the Reasynth the final step is to tell Reaper what I want to record. I go back to my ReaSynth track and select “In/ Midi Input/what-ever-your midi input is”. I am using midisport 4×4 as my mid interface. In my setup I select” In/Midi Input/In-A MidiSport4×4 All Channels”.

I can record the midi file from Reasynth and edit within Reaper:

When using effects plugins like compressors or eq, the same concept applies. You won’t have to tell reaper what to record. Just select “Fx” then choose your effect, push play and start making your adjustments.

Here is a video which basically shows you what I explained above. It also explains fx chains and how to save effexts chains within Reaper:
Reaper Tutorial: FX Settings

Now you are ready to roll with some Reaper bangers.

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