U.S. creates a lamp shines with the blood of humans to protect the environment


.S. succeeded in inventing an innovative lamp illuminates the blood of humans
    Which in turn reacts with the chemicals found inside the lamp illuminated
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Robot to save the shipwrecked at beaches

 use of "Robot"Started in Los Angeles County, California in the
 To save the lives of persons who may be exposed to the sinking on the beaches to be considered an alternative to the rescuers.He was working on the robot by remote control "Remote Control" name "Emily",
The process begins his mission in emergency situations to save who are sinking; where up to the victim and return him to the beach.
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Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro

Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro is a real time stereo field analyzer with multiple views and MIDI/automation output capabilities. It is a powerful help to analyze how the audio signal is spread in the stereo field, and you can easily detect potential phase and mono compatibilities issues.

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Meldaproduction MTotalBundle VST 2.00

REPACK NOTE * From v2.00, those plugins accept Skin-Mode, and some agenda structures are changed. This absolution will install files properly. All manuals and tutorial videos will be installed to your accession directory. You can alarm them from Start Menu as consistently

MeldaProduction MTotalBundle is the ultimate array of effects, that will catechumen your computer into a top-class able complete studio. It contains all of our furnishings accoutrement all appropriate tasks, composing, bond and mastering. Chargeless for activity updates pay actuality too, so already you you acquirement it, any aftereffect we absolution will be chargeless for you! And it takes just a few clicks application our amend system… The array contains acceptable plug-ins as able-bodied as our advocate technologies, which accord you the ability to accomplish your recordings complete absurd even if you didn’t absorb endure 50 years as an audio engineer. High speed, simplicity, bright clear complete and basal babble akin is accepted in MeldaProduction.

rapidshare Click Here
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Meldaproduction Mtotalbundle VST 2.02

MeldaProduction ha lanzado MTotalBundle, un nuevo paquete de plugins con un absolute de 27 plugins VST para Windows /32 y 64-Bit).

Se ofrecen plugins para el ascendancy de dinámica, varias herramientas de ecualización, plugins para diversos efectos de modificación de la señal, procesos de mezcla y masterización, u varias herramientas utiles en procesos de composición y tareas creativas. También se incluyen versiones "Pro" de los plugins gratuitos de la compañía.

MTotalBundle se encuentra disponible desde MeldaProduction a un precio de 499 euros abandoned para Windows. Podéis obtener una versión de prueba de todo el array tanto en versión a 32-Bit como en versión a 64-Bit.

Plugins incluidos en MTotalBundle

* MMultibandDynamics - Módulo de procesamiento de dinámicas multi-banda

* MAutoEqualizer - Ecualizador/analizador avanzado

* MDynamics - Procesador de dinámica enfocado a procesos de mastering

* MStereoProcessor - Herramienta de ascendancy estéreo con analizador integrado

* MReverb - Reverb diseñada para mezcla

* MMultiBandLimiter - Limitador para mastering

* MUltraMaximizer - Versión simplificada del MMultiBandLimiter

* MSpectralDynamics - Procesador de dinámicas basado en procesamiento espectral

* MDynamicsLimiter - Limitador avanzado

* MEqualizerLinearPhase - Ecualizador de 8 bandas

* MMultiBandAutopan - Herramienta de paneo automático

* MMultiBandPhaser - Phaser multi-banda

* MMultiBandRingModulator - Modulador en anillo multi-banda

* MMultiBandTremolo - Tremolo multi-banda con forma ajustable

* MMultiBandVibrato - Vibrato mult-ibanda

* MMultiBandWaveShaper - Herramienta de modificación de onda

Plugins gratuitos en versión Pro

* MAnalyzer - Analizador basado en FFT

* MAutopan - Efecto de paneo automático clásico

* MCompressor - Compresión estándar

* MEqualizer - Ecualizador de 6 bandas

* MLimiter - Procesador de saturación suave

* MPhaser - Efecto de phaser tradicional

* MRingModulator - Modulador en anillo mediante 2 osciladores

* MWaveshaper - Módulo de Wave-shaper tradicional

* MTremolo - Efecto de tremolo tradicional

* MVibrato - Vibrato tradicional con controles ajustables

* MStereoExpander - Herramienta para modificacoón del campo estéreo

rapishare Click Here

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Virtuasonic COMBSCAPE VST 1.2

Virtuasonic COMBSCAPE VST 1.2 | 9.34 MB

COMBSCAPE is a VST effect plug-in based on a comb filter that works on five frequencies in a very special way to create otherwordly soundscapes. Every single frequency can be adjusted in pitch, resonance and filtered with a Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass or Band Reject filter. It can be also positioned and moved in the stereo panorama, thanks to an interactive display that also controls the output level. COMBSCAPE features five adjustable delays of 10 seconds with feedback. Each delay output can be positioned and moved in the stereo panorama, and adjusted in level.

Frequencies, resonances and filters can be rescaled as a group by using the "group faders". For example, it is possible to transpose all the five frequencies with a single touch. All controls can be automated, giving you the power to create living soundscapes never heard before.


* 5 adjustable frequencies
* resonance control for each frequency
* Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass or Band Reject filter for each frequency
* 5 Delay of 10 seconds with feedback and on/off switch
* Panorama/Level control via interactive display
* 3 Group faders for frequencies, resonance and filter cutoff
* Dry/Wet fader
* Input/Output level
* customizable memory presets
* Automation of all parameters


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Sonnox Oxford VST Plugins


Sonnox-Oxford-Inflator VST v1-5-1



Sonnox-Oxford-Limiter VST v1-1-1



Sonnox-Oxford-R3-Dynamics VST v1-3-1



Sonnox-Oxford-R3-EQ VST v1-6-1



Sonnox-Oxford-Reverb VST-v1-0



Sonnox-Oxford-TransMod VST-v1-3-1


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